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My News goes out on the First of each month. 

If you have something you’d like to see me include in the news, let me know! Year Number 5 started in January 2023.

Some of the Copy Materials I can provide for Your Business:

White Papers, Business Plans:

Sales Enablement Products:   

For your marketing or sales teams –

Emails – VSL’s – Long or Short form Sales Letters 

Battle Cards – Articles – Newsletters – Ebooks

Commercial Video Scripts – Ad copy for radio/tv commercials

Billboards/Banners – Case Studies – Product Descriptions

Let me look over your Website and see what changes can be made to increase business for YOU. SEO Audits and Evaluations are available. Click here to contact me and set up a Zoom Call.

Interested in more information on chatbot Avatars? Check out my website and see how Avatars will work for YOU!

Best Copy Now LOGO

BCNA specializes in driving more traffic to Your CannaBiz using Proven SEO Organic Growth Strategies.

PS: It works for other industries too, but Cynthia Specializes in the cannabis industry.

Click Here to let Cynthia Show You How.

When You Contact Cynthia –

I love New Copy Projects, but Time only allows so many! Please contact me if you have something in the hopper that needs MY Attention!
I will give you a call at the times you provide to me and we can chat about what you and your business have going on!
I’m usually at my computer M-F 9:30 am to 5 pm Eastern USA time. If you text me I will call you as soon as possible.
During meetings my phone ringer is off, so please text me and I’ll see it when I’ve finished.

You Can Contact Cynthia at:

Cynthia:  315-480-8811 or [email protected]

Word of the Day – Proactive

By Cynthia Saarie

Unleashing the Power of Proactivity

When it comes to self-motivation, I’m a force to be reckoned with. I understand that my career growth rests solely on my shoulders. There’s no one to push me or keep me on track but myself. That’s why I’ve become a master of proactivity.

Finding your niche and reworking million-dollar copy are all great pieces of advice, but they’re meaningless without action. No one will be there to stand by your side, urging you to study and practice.

So, how do you become proactive?

For me, it starts with three daily reminders staring me in the face. A carefully filled-out calendar, color-coded to prioritize my tasks, my phone’s calendar, and a collection of trusty Post-it notes scattered throughout my workspace.

I can’t stress enough how invaluable these sticky notes are. I go through more than 20 of them each day. They serve as gentle nudges, urging me forward and keeping me focused.

My proactive notes guide me in delivering exceptional work, whether it’s writing my newsletter, curating captivating content, or meeting my daily posting commitments.

They also remind me of important obligations like webinars and ongoing courses. These notes keep me engaged as a dedicated perpetual student, ensuring I complete assignments and prepare for future engagements.

Time check: Note: Prepare dinner.

Ah, yes. The time has come to take a break from my endeavors and attend to the simple pleasure of preparing a meal. It’s a moment to recharge and show appreciation for life’s little joys.

Being proactive fills me with a sense of fulfillment. It drives me to achieve more, day after day. In fact, I’m often inspired to order more Post-it notes through Amazon Prime, knowing that tomorrow holds fresh opportunities for me to embrace proactivity once again.

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Cynthia CEO
A Smile is the Universal Hello! Professionally Written Copy Opens the Door.